If you are installing IBM Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 components over previous versions, follow the instructions in this chapter to maintain your current configuration.
ObjectStore Version 5.1 is automatically installed when you install Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 Nways Manager-ATM. If you already have ObjectStore Version 4.0 installed, you must modify the following parameters before installing the Element Manager components:
Locate the correct file, and edit the line that defines the OS_ROOTDIR variable to point to the new version of ObjectStore as shown:
export OS_ROOTDIR=/usr/lpp/ODI/OS5.1/cset
You cannot install the LAN component of Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 over a version of Nways Campus Manager LAN earlier than 3.2, which was shipped as part of Nways Manager for AIX Version 1.1. If you have previously installed Nways Campus Manager LAN Version 3.1 or earlier, you must completely uninstall it before installing the new Nways Manager product.
If you have installed Nways Campus Manager ATM Versions 1 or 2.1 on your management station, you must completely uninstall it before installing the new Nways Manager product.
You can install the LAN component of Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 over Nways Campus Manager LAN Version 3.2 or later if Nways Campus Manager ATM is not installed on the same workstation.
To remove the old Nways Campus Manager versions refer to the installation instructions that came with that version.
The Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 Element Manager component can operate only with IBM Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 Nways Manager ATM component that is provided with it.
You cannot install the ATM component of Nways Manager over any versions of Nways Campus Manager ATM older than 2.2, which was shipped as part of Nways Campus Manager ATM Version 1.1. Any earlier versions of this code, and the corresponding versions of Nways Campus Manager LAN must be completely uninstalled before installing Nways Manager for AIX 1.2.3.
Note that the ATM device element management that was previously included in Nways Campus Manager ATM was moved into the LAN component of Nways Manager for AIX beginning with Version 1.2.
To remove the old Nways Campus Manager versions refer to the installation instructions that came with that version.
The Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 Campus Manager - ATM component can only operate with IBM Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0Campus Manager - LAN component that is provided on this CD-ROM.
You can install Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 Remote Monitor component over all previous versions of Nways Campus Manager Remote Monitor or Nways Campus Manager Remote Monitor Advanced without losing your current configuration.
You can install Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 Traffic Monitor component over Nways Traffic Monitor Version 1.1 (part of Nways Manager for AIX Version 1.1) without losing your current configuration.